Wild About Zoofari!

Rhino5I decided not to let the Zoofari’s get too lonely. lol.

This is for the WT challenge at Splitcoast today.  I didn’t do anything new and exciting…I just followed Julia‘s tutorial as I’d never done this before and wanted to give it a try.  If I’d had more time, I would have done the scallops again.  I didn’t move the punch over quite far enough in some places.

In deciding which color to use for the background, I found the perfect piece of Linen-stamped/sponged Ruby Red.  I don’t remember why I stamped it and didn’t use it, but it certainly came in handy here.  (I always save unused background-stamped cardstock.  Sometimes it’s just what I need!)

I used a white gel pen for the animals’ pearly whites.  The rhino’s head is popped up on dimensionals and the monkey, hanging by his tediously cut out tail, is secured to the card with a dimensional as well.

Thanks for looking! 🙂

     Cardstock:  Confetti White (base), Ruby Red

     Patterned Paper:  My Mind’s Eye Tres Jolie Tres Bien “Summer” Polka Dot/Apricot Papier

     and Brun Papier

     Stamps:  Zoofari, Wild About You, Linen

     Ink:  Black

     Accessories:  Eyelets (American Crafts), Crop-a-dile, mat pack/needle, Ruby Red Stampin’

    Write marker, slit punch, Signo white gel pen, dimensionals, sponge

    Finished card size 4 1/4″ square.

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